Tuesday, March 10, 2009



I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the Duchess of Devonshire, Georgiana Cavendish. She is my idol completely. I have just finished reading her biography and I am in awe of her influence and character and the achievements she was able to make in her short 49 years of life. Even though she was a woman she played a major role in politics, campaigning for the Whig party. She was also a wonderful mother, having a close bond with her children that was uncommon for her time. She was an accomplished scientist and a published poet, author and playwright.

But most of all she was strong and independant and did what she thought she should. She had strength and self assurance that every woman should hope and aspire for.

She was also extremely fashionable and was played by Keira Knightley in the movie, The Duchess, which help me to connect to her.

Anyway, that is all I have to say. I think that out heroes whould be people like Georgiana, who were influential in a time of male supremacy.


I would also like to take this time to mention my love for Ralph Fiennes. He is awesome, and that should be common knowledge.

Tunes: Annie - James Blunt
Clothes: Peter Alexander night gown (it's awesome)
Movies: Changeling

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wherefore art thou a tool?

Good evening,

As I sit here, procrastinating, I have been pondering whether most people are complete tools. I think it is true so yeah. That is all tonight.


Tunes: Aerosmith - Dream On
Movies: No movies...but TV, Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities (I love Matthew Newton)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire


That is the word I would use to describe this brilliant piece of film. I would also use inspiring, heart wrenching, unbelievable, hilarious and exhilarating.

I can only now fully comprehend why it was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award. It should definitely win.

'Slumdog Millionaire' was an inspiring story of a young boy triumphing against all odds and winning everything he ever dreamed of and more. It follows the character of Jamal, a Mumbai teen who grew up in the slums, and after a tormenting series of events, ends up on the Indian version of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire', where he does suprisingly well, even according to himself.

This film triumphs and succeeds in everything it tries to do. It shows that complexity of family love and also the strength of true love. It shows true hardship and loss, but also how people can still go on and survive.

Dev Patel, who plays Jamal, in my opinion did a fantastic job. He had an extremely difficult and complex role to convey, but he did it with perfect ease. Dev Patel is well known from his role of the tv series 'Skins', a show that I have previously blogged about. He played Anwar. After seeing 'Slumdog Millionaire' though I have gained a whole new level of respct fo him as an actor and he has managd to make it onto my list of perfect film men, along with James McAvoy and Ralph Fiennes.

My favourite part of this film was the very last scene. It made the film even better for me, and gave it an edge that is not very common. I can reveal it as it does not really tell you anything about the outcome. The film ends with a Bollywood dance scene, something that every Indian movie should have. It was a classic ending, that had me applauding and embarressing myself in front of the two old ladies who were the only people in the cinema other than myself and my friend Rebecca. Dev Patel, in my opinion is a fabulous dancer and he has inspired me to find a place where I can learn to dance like that. It was fan-bloody-tastic to be frank and a little bogany.

I highly recommend this film to everyone, as it has something for everyone. That cannot be said for most films. The only one I would say that abuot would be 'Forrest Gump', my favourite film of all time. You will be laughing, then crying, then wriggling in anticipation, then wanting to throw your popcorn at the screen. This film truely brings everything you would ever want in a film.


Tunes: I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
Clothes: Peter Alexander Man's Tennis Pants, 40 Hour Famine T-Shirt
Movies: Slumdog Millionaire

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Steve Tyler

'Sup dudes and dudettes,

I know it has been an eternity since my last post and I know that you are currently rocking back and forth in a corner mourning the loss of my thoughts, but never fear, I have returned.

Today I will be discussing how the Steve Tyler is, in fact, the sexiest man alive. I do not know why this has not be realised by the entire of the world's population, it is obvious when looking at him doing his thing that he is almost orgasmic. His thing for those who do not know and are therefore stupid is being the lead singer of Aerosmith. He is known for his huge mouth and his awesome voice/scream.

Steve Tyler is rock itself, no one else can do what he does. I just want this to be known. IfI could have my way with him I would without hesitation.
He is currentlywriting an autobiography and it will be on my must-read list I am sure, along with classics such as Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights and my favourite, The Chosen, which will most definitely be discussed at a later date.

So that is all I have to say.

Tootle oo fellow bloggers.

Tunes: Another Way to Die - Jack White and Alicia Keys (Quantom of Solace Theme)
Clothes: School Uniform (I am in a spare)
Movies: Edge of Love (Keira Knightley and Cillian Murphy, what else is there to say)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Salutations from the friend Andy.

Why hello there blog readers and what not. My name is Andy and I am for sure Stephs absoloute bffl. We hang out all the time. I am currently down from my new home in the country visiting my lovely friends, mainly Stephanie. I am going to tell you my story purely because i can. (I apologise ahead for my grammar :)) My mother is in the army so my family and I move all around the country every few years. 2005 I moved to Melbourne and started high school. There I was met with the usual new faces but in a different, more mature situations. I started trying to hang out with Steph and her friends but was soon told to back off by her and her friends when they confronted me about how they did not want change. I backed down and for the rest of 2005 i didn't speak to Steph. As 2006 moved in and 2005 became memories, Steph and one of her friends Molly were put into the same class as me. As the year progressed the three of us slowly started talking, and soon enough I was put into a stage play assignment with them, where we had many laughs during class and lunch time reherasals. We were now in year 8 and Molly, Steph and I had became good friends. By the end of 2006 we had our own new little friendship group set up made of Myself, Steph, Molly, Amber and Jaime. 2007 came and went and was a consistent year of the 5 of us just letting life come and it does. As 2008 arrived, Steph left our tiny christian school and left to go to a more larger, academic school which was well known in the area. Our group was broken, but we still sturggled on and saw each other outside of school. This year was also the year my family was a tiny bit broken. My mum being in the army, moved to Wodonga for work and my step dad and I having lives, school and work in melbourne, stayed while mum drove down every weekend. As the year progressed, without Stephanies fabulous guiding hand and probably my mothers, I found myself getting in more and more trouble every day. Eventually i was expelled and forced to move to the country with my mum. I have been living in Wodonga for around 5 months now and still come down to see my friends in Melbourne regularly.

Anyway, Steph is a massive inspiration and after this blog, I am going to make my own. And she is going to put in my link right here: http://www.eyebrowsandhisthoughts.blogsopt.com

Thanks for reading! And um, what does Steph say at the end of these?
Stay Classy? annndd..

Tunes: Banshee Match - Glass case of Emotion

Clothes: Denim shorts, above knee length :) white tee
Movies: We're going to watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies for the sake of it :)

Monday, January 19, 2009



Even though I posted last night, I am compelled to write another entry as I am putting off doing holiday homework, practising flute and learning the songs for the school musical (not that I think I have to anyway, but knowing me I will get back to school and everyone else will know them and I will not).

This is what I currently look like. It is 37 degrees outside and probably something like that inside so I am dressed summery. I also have dancing tonight so I want to look respectable, not like when I forgot about it and turned up in my hippy pants and school rugby jumper.

I want to talk about the T.V show 'Skins' in this post as I have become highly addicted to it since it started airing again on SBS. It is an awesome show with characters that are easier to relate to than the ones in American teen-dramas. My favourite character is Chris (wearing the orange sunnies), how I find highly amusing and he basically makes the show for me. Cassie (blond with the yellow top) is my second favourite mostly because of her clothing and her use of the word wow.
I have only watched up to Episode 8 of Season 1, but being the nerd that I am I have found the rest of Season 1 and Season 2 on youtube (the best website ever, check me out there under the name oliojoe).
I recently found out that for Season 3 and any further seasons they have changed the characters. I don't know how that will go, I may not be ableto give up on the old characters and might start comparing them with the new.
Well, that is all, I just thought I would let the wider community know what I watch on T.V. (note: this is the only thing I am currently watching on T.V, everthing else bores me)

So, goodbye, and stay classy.

Tunes: James Blunt - All the Lost Souls
Clothes: (as shown above)
Movies: Girl with a Pearl Earring

Popping a blog's cherry.

Well, well, well... I have finally taken the plunge and created a blog. This has been a thought for a few months now and has always been put on hold due to the fact that I feel like a complete loser (Loser: social misfit, a socially maladjusted person; according to Encarta Dictionaries) writing down my thoughts. But, I feel like a loser most of the time, so I have decided to share it with the wider community, well hopefully.
So now that I have created this blog it is time to write my first post on it. What to write about? That is the question. Or is the question, should I reveal my loser-like qualities in the first post? I say YES!

After a few minutes thought, I have finally come up with a topic for my first post, and that would be moi. What better way is there to introduce myself than talking about myself?
Well, My name is Stephanie and I am 16. I am about to go into Year 11. I went to a Christian School from Prep to Year 9 and I left there to go to an all-girls school for Years 10, 11 and 12. This may ake me sound like some sheltered, religious child, but I assure you I am not.
As you may have guessed I live with parents whom I get along with a majority of the time unless Iam feeling particularly angsty or pubescent. My brother, who is 19, does not live with us due to his being a tool. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he is a tool.
I am a massive nerd, but still, I am told, have an awesome fashion sense. I love to read and watch movies. I am full of useless information which only comes in handy when I am playing triva games. I play the flute, which is quite fun and causes a lot of teasing, and I should really practise more often. Luckily my teacher is awesome and doesn't get angry at me. I do ballroom dancing with my friends from my old school. I am not good, because I am too stiff, but I still have fun.
I can be tom-boyish or really girly depending on my mood. Sometimes the last thing I feel like is wearing a dress and doing my makeup and other times I cannot feel complete without it. I change my hair every month, not only the hairstyle but the colour (it has been blue). My favourite pants are my hippy pants, picked up from a store in Phillip Island that smelt of marijuna and my favourite shirt is my Cheeseworld t-shirt. And yes, there is a Cheeseworld. It is in Victoria somewhere, out in the middle of nowhere.
Music is one of my major passions though my taste is rather limited as I cannot stand any music where the vocals are female. I don't know what it is, I just can't listen to it. I also cannot stand anything electronic, urban or pop. I am strictly rock, folk and acoustic.
I am also a big History lover and one day hope to be a historian, it is a dying breed I think.
Well I think that is enough information about me. Thanks for reading anyone who did.

Also at the end of each blog I will inform you of what tunes I am listening to, what I am wearing and what movies I am watching.

Tunes: Paolo Nutini - These Streets
Clothes: Floral Dress made by maman
Movies: No Country For Old Men